The 100 Day Project

My friend Carly turned me onto Creative Mornings newsletter and I’m so glad she did (thanks, Carly!). It has been a game changer during this strange and stressful pandemic. As January came to an end I was feeling pretty unmotivated. I was behind on correspondences and hadn’t even properly answered texts from friends. I wasn’t getting outside enough (I’m still not, but at least I’m acknowledging it now!), and had the distinct feeling that I was just waiting to get through each day. It felt like crap.

Then I saw an email from the Boston Creative Mornings chapter inviting the group to participate in the #the100dayproject challenge. Yes, 100 days straight of a creative project. It scared me, and thrilled me. Nothing like a little accountability and a challenge to get you moving. So, if you don’t already follow me on Instagram, please do! Check out #the100dayproject to see how artists are using this project to try something new. It’s a feast for the eyes! My 100 Day Project is this: Use mediums other than music (storytelling, drawing and painting) to share my upcoming collection of songs, The Last of What I Know.

This is also part of a bigger goal for me to embrace all aspects of my creativity, including being an amateur. I’m not great at social media, but I’m willing to try to use it to share art and add value to people’s lives. I even created a TikTok account. Have I used it yet? No, but I’m on my way!

So here’s to trying something new on my end. If you’re looking to try something new, may I suggest Amateur Hour Singing?